

[LOV] exists to help equip our ladies of Victory serve and grow in Christ. We are doing this by equipping the Ladies of Victory and community through Bible Study, Prayer, Discipleship, and Fellowship. This is so that each woman may grow in her personal walk with Jesus. We pray that this ministry will help strengthen our Ladies of Victory in their homes, at their places of work, and in our church.

Our desire for Women’s Ministry is that every woman would come to know Christ and continue to strengthen her relationship with Christ through their daily walk. We want the women of VBC to live in a way that will have an undeniably positive impact on their selves, their families and those that they touch in their daily walk. We want this ministry to strengthen our women so they exemplify Christ in their every action.

Women’s Ministry provides a multi-faceted program to equip the women of our church and community to serve Jesus Christ through:

• Prayer
• Fellowship
• Bible Study
• Discipleship


Biblical PRINCIPALS [LOV] was founded on…